Preparatory Meeting for Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) Muna Barat - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Muna Regency

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Preparatory Meeting for Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) Muna Barat

Preparatory Meeting for Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) Muna Barat

April 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, April 26 2024, Muna Regency BPS held a Preparatory Meeting for the Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) which took place in the Muna Regency BPS Office Hall. The meeting was attended by several District OPDs. West Muna, namely the Food Security Service, Trade and Industry Service, Bappeda, and West Muna Kominfo. EPSS activities are a systematic assessment process carried out through verification and validation of information on the results of self-assessments in measuring the level of maturity in implementing sectoral statistics. Apart from that, the aim of implementing this activity is to introduce the symbatic application to operators and supervisors in uploading supporting evidence for EPSS activities.


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